Blue Triton grant to support celebrations, downtown improvements

ERIN 50ȻƵ Council here approved staff recommendations on how to spend $58,446 from Blue Triton.

The funds are collected from a voluntary water levy and put into a reserve account for spending on projects that enhance the community.

Last month, council approved spending the cash on six projects:

– road reopening celebrations in Erin and Hillsburgh;

– planters, benches and solar lighting for downtown Erin and Hillsburgh;

– four chalkboard art easels at playgrounds;

– water filling stations in McMillan and Victoria parks; and

– Canada Day events and fireworks at Centre 2000.

Town treasurer Wendy Parr provided some details about each of the recommendations. The road reopening celebrations will feature barbecues, kids50ȻƵ activities and vendors.

The planters, benches and lighting are intended to 50ȻƵbrighten up and beautify the downtown areas of Erin and Hillsburgh,50ȻƵ Parr said.

The art easels came as a recommendation from the town50ȻƵs economic development officer.

Councillor Cathy Aylard wasn50ȻƵt a fan of the recommendation without a thorough parks plan.

50ȻƵI50ȻƵd like to see that money going to show a little bit more love to both our downtowns,50ȻƵ Aylard said.

She called for more cash to be spent on revitalizing the town50ȻƵs downtowns around this time last year as well, when spending the Blue Triton cash was discussed.

Aylard went so far as to call for the recommendations to be returned to staff for further evaluation, and abstained from voting on the recommendations.

Water-filling stations were included in 2023 recommendations, and though one station was installed at McMillan Park, an invoice hadn50ȻƵt been received until recently, so the money from last year was carried forward, Parr explained, adding Victoria Park has since been added to the list for a station.

Canada Day festivities at Centre 2000 are to include food/drinks, music, play areas and vendors, and finally, a fireworks display.

50ȻƵThis will draw residents to one location for the entire community to enjoy,50ȻƵ Parr said.
