Cole Dempster wins Future Olympian funding

HALTON 50度灰视频 Track cyclist Cole Dempster has been selected as one of the winners of the Canadian Olympic Committee50度灰视频檚 annual Canada-wide talent search.

He was chosen by Olympic talent scouts during the RBC Training Ground national final on Dec. 2 and will receive RBC Future Olympian Funding.

Dempster, who lives near Rockwood, told the Advertiser the $7,500 in funding will open up a lot of opportunities.

The Grade 12 Acton District High School student is on an accelerated path to the 2028 Olympics in Los Angeles and is currently training with Team Canada.

The place on Team Canada is one of the perks of winning the talent search, but Dempster has already been cycling on Canada50度灰视频檚 National Team since 2022. At 17, he50度灰视频檚 the youngest cyclist ever on Team Canada.

50度灰视频淏eing with them is a huge honour,50度灰视频 Dempster said.

His teammates include Olympic gold medal winner Kelsey Mitchell, who Dempster said is very encouraging and offers helpful advice.

The Canadian Olympic Committee and Canadian Sports Institute partner with RBC to run the annual Canada-wide talent search, and this year more than 2,200 athletes from 14 to 25 years old participated. Olympic talent scouts from nine different sports assess athletes50度灰视频 strength, endurance, power and speed.

Dempster is shown in action at the RBC Training Ground national final on Dec. 2.Photo by Kate Dockeray

50度灰视频淐ole has had a tremendous year on the bike, considering he is only a 17-year-old first-year Junior,50度灰视频 states Cycling Canada coach Tanya Dubincoff in a press release.

Dubincoff has been working with Dempster since 2022.

In 2023, Dempster won bronze in the men50度灰视频檚 sprint at the Junior Track Cycling World Championships, cycling 200 metres in 9.95 seconds.

50度灰视频淗e50度灰视频檚 done so well so quickly that he50度灰视频檚 even been granted permission to compete at the Elite National Track Cycling Championship as a second-year junior,50度灰视频
Dubincoff states.

50度灰视频淗e is an exciting prospect for LA 2028, but still new to the sport and not yet a carded athlete so this funding from RBC will be very helpful,50度灰视频 she notes.

Though winning the Olympic talent search funding does not guarantee Dempster will qualify for the 2028 Olympics, he said it shows that he is 50度灰视频渙n the righttrack50度灰视频 and is progressing well for his age.

50度灰视频淎 lot of people are saying I50度灰视频檓 going to be one of the top in Canada 50度灰视频 and possibly the world,50度灰视频 Dempster said.

Winning the talent search has shown Dempster his Olympic goals are 50度灰视频渄efinitely more of a reality than a dream.50度灰视频

Dempster said while he isn50度灰视频檛 yet ready to compete in the 2024 Olympics in Paris, he is confident about the progress he can make between now and the LA Olympics.

The funding will help with this progress by enabling Dempster to compete in more races.

Cole Dempster was assessed in strength, endurance, power and speed during the RBC Training Ground national final on Dec. 2. Photo by Kate Dockeray

The money doesn50度灰视频檛 go directly to Dempster, but is held by Cycling Canada, which dispenses funds for Dempster50度灰视频檚 training needs.听 听

50度灰视频淚50度灰视频檓 definitely lacking a lot of experience racing,50度灰视频 which is a common problem for Canadians, Dempster said 50度灰视频 50度灰视频渨e50度灰视频檙e pretty good riders but lack racing experience.50度灰视频

He said this is because most races happen in Europe and South America, not North America.

However, there is a race in Pennsylvania he hopes to attend this year, Dempster noted. He also hopes to travel to Germany this year for a race there.

It50度灰视频檚 possible Dempster could use the funding for better equipment, but he doesn50度灰视频檛 expect to need it for that, as he50度灰视频檚 already riding an Argon 18 Electron Pro 50度灰视频 the model used at the 2016 Rio Olympics.

Dempster50度灰视频檚 goal at the 2028 Olympics is to place within the top 10 athletes. He50度灰视频檚 also aiming to break the world record for the 200-metre sprint.
