Karishma Rego speaks at local church

BRUCEDALE 50¶È»ÒÊÓƵ“ On May 4, Stone United Church hosted the final session of its 2024 Spring Wellness Series with a presentation by Karishma Rego, a mental health therapist from the East Wellington Family Health Team.

With participants both in person and on-line, Rego opened her presentation by providing time for each participant to think quietly about the major stressors in their life and to rank those stressors in terms of severity for them as an individual. Ìý

She then challenged participants to think of stressors in a new way, and encouraged individuals to manage their apprehensions by first acknowledging and sharing their stressors with others in an effort to build supportive connections.Ìý

In anticipating a stressful situation, she suggested making time to take deep breaths on a regular basis and to engage in self talk concerning the worst possible scenario associated with such situations. Ìý

Having anticipated these worst possible outcomes, she suggested visualizing positive outcomes to negate the feelings associated with worst case possibilities. Ìý

She concluded her presentation by taking questions from the audience on a variety of topics and strongly stressed the need to set boundaries. Ìý

She reminded folks that it is essential to take time for one self to meditate, go for a walk, or engage in any activity which is pleasurable for an individual.