Kinette club set to replace Drayton playground

DRAYTON 50度灰视频 The Kinette Club of Drayton is working towards replacing a community playground, and Mapleton council will provide $9,950 towards the initiative.

Kinette Club representatives Gina Dobben and Erica Klassen submitted a proposal to council that the 50度灰视频渄ilapidated playground structure by the 50度灰视频楤50度灰视频 diamond in Drayton50度灰视频 be replaced.

And during the council meeting on April 30, public works director Jamie Morgan said he agrees the existing playground 50度灰视频渋s in pretty rough shape.

50度灰视频淚t50度灰视频檚 in need of immediate replacement [and is] in a vital area,50度灰视频 Morgan said. 50度灰视频淪o the quicker we can move this along, the better.50度灰视频

50度灰视频淭his playground is located nicely for children who may be at one of the two nearby soccer fields, ball diamond, basketball court or skate park,50度灰视频 the proposal states.

And 50度灰视频淲hile the park was loved previously, it has become not only an eyesore, but a danger.50度灰视频

The club submitted estimates for climbing structures, slides and swing sets from Jambette playground manufacturers.

The total cost of the playground replacement is expected to be around $30,000.

And the club will fundraise and contribute its own funds to help cover the costs.

Financial support from the township will come from its 50/50 project fund: the $4,950 remaining in the fund for 2024, and an additional $5,000 from the 2025 50/50 project fund.

The existing playground was installed by the original Kinette Club of Drayton, Dobben noted, and she said it feels good for current club members to follow in their predecessors50度灰视频 footsteps.

Councillor Michael Martin said he loves the idea of supporting the club in replacing the playground.

50度灰视频淵our club50度灰视频檚 always been super supportive of any sort of recreational type structures and amenities locally,50度灰视频 he said.

The last time the Drayton Kinette club partnered with Mapleton council was to install the splash pad at ABC Park six years ago, a project Dobben said was on a much larger scale than the 50度灰视频楤50度灰视频 diamond playground replacement.

Martin said he thinks the club has chosen another great project to take on.

50度灰视频淚 know my boys kind of grew up on that structure in their early years with soccer and baseball and stuff, and it still gets a fair amount of hang time I think, despite its shape,50度灰视频 he said.

50度灰视频淚 do think it50度灰视频檚 a structure that gets good use, even though there50度灰视频檚 other structures around in the vicinity. With the 50度灰视频楤50度灰视频 diamond upgrades we do get more traffic on that side of the park. I think it50度灰视频檚 a great idea.50度灰视频

Kinette officials are confident that 50度灰视频渞eplacing the playground structure will provide recreational opportunities for athletes and their families alike for years to come.50度灰视频

Mayor Gregg Davidson invited the club to work with Mapleton recreation manager Amy Grose to explore other funding opportunities for the park.
